
zaterdag 16 juli 2011

I am sad

I am sad, because I would have liked that I could post a picture of the giveaway I won in
May. It was a beautiful babyoutfit , but the package still is't arived yet, as I am waiting on a other package from the same country, sent at the same time I have stil hope that it comes, but I feel so sorry for Sharon de Vries of Chrystel designs http://chrysteldesigns.blogspot. com. Take a look at her beautiful designs

2 opmerkingen:

Rosamargarita zei

Lo siento mucho Klara, es una lástima que se haya extraviado, te mando un abrazo.
Sorry about that Klara is a shame that it has lost, I send you a hug.

BiWuBär zei

That doesn't sound good... I feel really sorry for you and Sharon...
