I know it is to long ago I posted something, the end of the schoolyear was very hectic and there was a lot to do and I am having a totall miniature block. Nothing absolutely nothing made for weeks. I am at my daughters place right now enjoying family and vacation. You know she lives in Brasil so these are valuable days. I took some needlework to do and you can see what I am up to , at Klara Meijer designs. Not that I designed that myself,it is part of the Forget Me not Bom. I have to change the blogs when I am back home, the blog wil be used for my needlework and patchwork. My daughter has this project with pregnant teenagers and she also learns them to make patchwork, so that they can sell things to make live a little bit easier, they come from poor families and are very young. The youngest is 13 years!
I am taking time think how I will go on after the vacation with my miniatures and so on I will not stop making miniatures, but I have some choices to make, because it is to much I think about leaving it at one house and one house alone rather than have multi projects and none ever finishes. So I will clean out my workroom and get some space in my head also. I have got some lovely gifts last months but I dont have the pictures here so can't show them yet. Hope to be back soon have a good day
vrijdag 27 juli 2012
dinsdag 1 mei 2012
meet Appleblossom
Hello, I finally finished something, meet Apple blossom a sweet little rabbit. I really like apple blossom, it is a pity the tree does bloom so short. I have a little apple tree in my garden, only we forgot to trim the stalks this year, so we don't have much blossoms, but when I saw the blossom I knew this rabbit would be called Apple blossom

maandag 30 april 2012
Today is Queensday in the Netherlands, a national holliday and the fact is that my husband and I met each other on queensday 40 years ago
maandag 23 april 2012
Long time ago
I have no excuse for not posting for such a long time, so I will not do so, lets keep it that real live took to much. lol
I got the minitreasure award 2012 at http://minitreasures.blogspot.com isn't that nice? Go take a look at this site you can find a lot information there.
Since my fall on the street I did not make any miniatures, I have a minature block so to say, but I have been there before, so I will get back, don't worry. I have some miniatures I got to show , but I don't have a picture yet, I will try the coming week to post the pictures, this week is a very busy week at school, we are preparing the examinations and on thursday we have a big gala for the kandidates. The staf is preparing a diner and they will serve the meal to the pupils. We have 100 students to prepare diner for! I am one of the coordinators so I have a lot to do. It is very nice to do, but a lot of work also. I leave it to this for now, but in the end of the week I will be back I promise I have a week holiday than, before the examens begin.

I got the minitreasure award 2012 at http://minitreasures.blogspot.com isn't that nice? Go take a look at this site you can find a lot information there.
Since my fall on the street I did not make any miniatures, I have a minature block so to say, but I have been there before, so I will get back, don't worry. I have some miniatures I got to show , but I don't have a picture yet, I will try the coming week to post the pictures, this week is a very busy week at school, we are preparing the examinations and on thursday we have a big gala for the kandidates. The staf is preparing a diner and they will serve the meal to the pupils. We have 100 students to prepare diner for! I am one of the coordinators so I have a lot to do. It is very nice to do, but a lot of work also. I leave it to this for now, but in the end of the week I will be back I promise I have a week holiday than, before the examens begin.

woensdag 28 maart 2012
some good news and some bad news
I will start with the bad news, Yesterday before I went to work I wanted to do some shopping in Elburg, while crossing the street I fell down on the street, because they had changed the streetstones and I didn't notice the ridge they made. I fell down on my knees and my face, pff was I feeling stupid. One of the shopkeepers helped me inside and called the cityhall to complain, because she sees people falling everytime. now I can't sit, I can't walk, I can't stand up. pain all over!!
and now the good news, I got a mail last week of http://pocketchange.become.com they wanted to feature me in an item as best of the web. Now I don't think of myself as best of the web, so I thought they where talking about the Mousemansion, so I mailed back that it was not mine etc. But they came back and said they talked about my own little mice and the wanted to feature my blog. I was very honoured and said yes.
you can see the item overhere, http://pocketchange.become.com/2012/03/best-of-the-web-be-home-61.html
scroll down a little bit, and don't forget to look at the adorable pink elefants above my item
I didn't know anything about this blog, but they have items about homedecorating and organising you can see here:

zaterdag 24 maart 2012
A week of surprises
Yes it was a week with a lot of surprises, first of all again I did win one of those lovely little knitted dolls at the poppenhuiskladblog. Jolande en Nella organised a guessinggame for St Patricksday, and I was one of the luckey winners, last year I also win on St patricksday, so Klaviera has some company now.
And at the same day the little doll arived i got a package of Jennifer Plushpussycat, with al kind of nice material. Thankyou very much Jennifer
Because of my injured arm I took some hexagons and I am making a quilt this is what I have for now. nothing more relaxing than making hexagons. lol
And I also want to welcome my new followers, last time I looked was just above 200 and now more than 230, WOW! thank you for taking interest in my blog.
There is something very ecxiting coming this week or the the next week according to my blog, but I can't tell yet, because I hardley can believe it myself. so keep coming!
Have a good weekend

And at the same day the little doll arived i got a package of Jennifer Plushpussycat, with al kind of nice material. Thankyou very much Jennifer
Because of my injured arm I took some hexagons and I am making a quilt this is what I have for now. nothing more relaxing than making hexagons. lol
And I also want to welcome my new followers, last time I looked was just above 200 and now more than 230, WOW! thank you for taking interest in my blog.
There is something very ecxiting coming this week or the the next week according to my blog, but I can't tell yet, because I hardley can believe it myself. so keep coming!
Have a good weekend

maandag 19 maart 2012
no minies but a lot of pictures
I am sorry, but there are no minies to show, I have injured my left arm,and have to give it rest. I have a golfarm, no I dont play Golf.
I injured it by cutting heavy board, mind you. I am righthanded but you use your lefthand more than you think.
Last Saturday I went to see the Mousemansion. it is exposed in Amsterdam. I went there with a friend who is not into miniatures, but loves to read the book with her grandchildren. We had a lovely day and had a lot of fun.
pictures of the Mousemansion

I injured it by cutting heavy board, mind you. I am righthanded but you use your lefthand more than you think.
Last Saturday I went to see the Mousemansion. it is exposed in Amsterdam. I went there with a friend who is not into miniatures, but loves to read the book with her grandchildren. We had a lovely day and had a lot of fun.
pictures of the Mousemansion

dinsdag 28 februari 2012
more little mouse
I am still in a mousemaking mood. lol
Birgit suggested I should use real bearfabric instead of an old sock and she even gave me the adres of a webshop in the Netherlands, this webshop has the most lovely and soft bearfabric for little bears. I had to alter the pattern because it doesn't stretch like the old sock, but I am very pleased with the result. Birgit you see I have been a very good girl and listened to your feedback.

Birgit suggested I should use real bearfabric instead of an old sock and she even gave me the adres of a webshop in the Netherlands, this webshop has the most lovely and soft bearfabric for little bears. I had to alter the pattern because it doesn't stretch like the old sock, but I am very pleased with the result. Birgit you see I have been a very good girl and listened to your feedback.

maandag 20 februari 2012
two little mice
I am freaking out on real mice, but I am so in love with the mouse of the book,"The mouse Mansion" That I wanted to make a mouse myself, to use if I will read the book with my grandson, and maybe make a little mouse-room for it. If you don'y know the book go look for it, it is so awesome.
I took an old sock and some pipe-cleaners and just experimented a little. The big mouse is 6 cm and the small one 4 cm.
I love how they turned out.

I took an old sock and some pipe-cleaners and just experimented a little. The big mouse is 6 cm and the small one 4 cm.
I love how they turned out.

zaterdag 18 februari 2012
again a top 10
Again a top 10 of things I found browsing
I dont know if you follow my Maison du Bonheur, but I posted my progress on the French house overthere, if you have not seen it overthere, please go take and look
some very nive tutorials
just look it it very nice.
not mini, but it could be!
Just look and learn, beautiful miniwork in Progress
tutorial on making a shabbydoor
more crochetpatterns for free, who doesn'nt wnat this cute paddington?
just to give you some inspiration.
how to make hinges
again Look and learn, fantastic miniwork
great miniature tutorials of all kind

I dont know if you follow my Maison du Bonheur, but I posted my progress on the French house overthere, if you have not seen it overthere, please go take and look
some very nive tutorials
just look it it very nice.
not mini, but it could be!
Just look and learn, beautiful miniwork in Progress
tutorial on making a shabbydoor
more crochetpatterns for free, who doesn'nt wnat this cute paddington?
just to give you some inspiration.
how to make hinges
again Look and learn, fantastic miniwork
great miniature tutorials of all kind

zaterdag 11 februari 2012
Top 10 saturday
Some interesting pages I found while browsing ,I like to share with you. enjoy!
free chrochetpatterns
awesome roomboxes http://true2scale.blogspot.com/2012/02/25-miniature-valentine-tutorials.html
50 valentine projects, do I need to say more?
make a car for your dollshouse boy
not miniautre, but very helpful when doing basketery
http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/8497b6af#/8497b6af/58 free magazine and a lot of dolls
hats, hats and hats, make them yourself
not miniature, but I think it is usable to minisize
Always a lot to learn and to see
http://sites.google.com/site/butterflydreamsminiatures/tutorials-1 some nice tutorials

free chrochetpatterns
awesome roomboxes http://true2scale.blogspot.com/2012/02/25-miniature-valentine-tutorials.html
50 valentine projects, do I need to say more?
make a car for your dollshouse boy
not miniautre, but very helpful when doing basketery
http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/8497b6af#/8497b6af/58 free magazine and a lot of dolls
hats, hats and hats, make them yourself
not miniature, but I think it is usable to minisize
Always a lot to learn and to see
http://sites.google.com/site/butterflydreamsminiatures/tutorials-1 some nice tutorials

zaterdag 4 februari 2012
new things
At the dutch forum I am participating a yearswap, every month one of the members has to make something to sent to the other members. January was the month Cassandra had to make the swap, I got this beautiful tray.
At the fair in Urk I bought a workshop for a daybed, I made it last weekend. I only made an other mattress.
At the Dutch forum we had a workshop everyday before Christmas, the little book I liked very much, but something went wrong everytime I tried, I even cut my finger very badly, mind you by only cutting paper. But at the end I had some succes and finished the book.
And yes I finished to make the windowpanes for the French house and I am very proud of that, sorry no picture yet, you have to believe for that. but this means I can go on with the house that is waiting for so long to get finished.

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